Sources of Protein
Great source of protein for the healthy diet There are a lot Sources of Protein in the wealth of food available from all over the world. The question is whether they are healthy sources. If you want to eat right, lose weight, build muscle and find the energy you need to get through the day, consider the following protein-rich diet to keep you healthy and active. How Much Protein Do I Need? The amount of protein that each person needs will vary depending on activity. At the very least, a sedentary woman should consume a gram of protein for every kilogram of body weight in her daily diet. For active and athletic women, you can expect to double that amount. Finding the right balance for you will take time and your intake may need to increase or decrease several times throughout your journey. Good Sources of Dietary Protein Eggs — Eating a medium-sized egg will provide you with around 6 grams of your daily protein intake. Milk — A single cup of milk contains roughly 8 grams of...